DLPA logo Dewart Lake Protective Association

Online Membership
Payment & Renewal (pay via credit card or Paypal):

Membership Type

Paying online includes an additional 1.99% + $0.49 Paypal fee per transaction.  (This is the lower "charitable" rate for Paypay, rather than the "commercial fee rate.)

Online Donations and Contributions

*Donations are considered a separate transaction from Membership for online purposes.

Please specify the amount and the fund you prefer from the following established funds:
        1. General Fund (funds directed by Directors and Members at monthly and annual meetings)

        2. Invasive Species Control: (i.e. Milfoil, Zebra Muscles, etc.)
        3. Watershed Fund (for erosion control, shoreline protection including shallow and wetland areas)
        4. Fish Stocking Fund (Stocking of species including game fish or recommended replenishment as directed and allowed by the DNR)

Or split your donation between funds, p
er your instructions.

For donations please use the following formula to calculate your charitable amount:
Please add $0.49 Paypal fee plus 2.89% for donations, per transaction, if you would like to contribute a round number. 
For example, donating $100?  Please add.49 to your donation and then multiply by 1.0289
($100.00 + $0.49) = $100.49 and then take 100.49 x 1.0289 = $103.40 (when rounded up to the nearest penny) for a total of $103.40 which will equal a gift of $100 to the DLPA!