DLPA Green Pages
DLPA Logo  Dewart Lake Protective Association

Here is a great resource for Green (or environmentally sustainable) Living!:

A great guide and document to help you plan  your next landscaping project:

Lakescaping for Wildlife and Water Quality_Indiana_Oct_2009.pdf  (4.6 MB)

The DLPA endorses Environmentally Sustainable principles and practices!  These  include LEED, REGREEN as well as Energy Star standards and practices.  One does not have to be engaged in creating a new building, home or development to help positively affect global climate change and local and regional resources.  Our links can be used to research ways to save money, help save the environment and reduce negative environmental impacts.   

LEED is a acronym for Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design.  The LEED  rating system was developed  by, and in accordance with, the United States Green Building Counsel, a.k.a. USGBC.  All of the practices employed by LEED are compatible with Dewart Lake Protective Association goals.  You will find that the prescriptive Requirements and pursuit of  LEED Credits are synergistic with Best Lakeside Practices and the ongoing preservation of our Lakes and Environment at this link: Dewart Lake LEED

REGREEN contains best practice guidelines for sustainable residential renovation projects ranging from replacing and repairing aging home mechanicals and single room improvements to full home renovation. 

Energy Star
appliances, equipment and programs help us save money, conserve energy and protect the environment. 

GreenTree.jpg Please click here for more Green Resources

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